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A Beautiful Plant In The Garden: Viburnum

The Viburnum is perfect and has it all, a generous kind flower with some decorative berries, and foliage with beautiful hues during the fall, and sometimes even persistent! It is a very interesting plant throughout the year.

Pleasant in any garden, the plant, Viburnum tinus (Laurier tin) is grown both in hedge and pot. It is true that viburnum plicatum can be planted as an isolated subject, and you can choose the Viburnum opulus (snowball or viburnum obier) particularly in massive. Thanks to its winter or spring bloom, Viburnum brighten up and forget the gloom and the gray of the winter! Offering an abundant bloom with soft shades, pink or white, the viburnum is appreciated for its appearance “snowball”.


Origin of the viburnum

The Latin name is Viburnum, it belongs to the family of adoxaceae. Its common name is viburnum. Its flowering is winter or spring, and the plant can grow from 1 to 5 m, it particularly likes a sunny or half shaded exposure. As for the soil, it can be cool, well drained, fresh and humus. Resistant, it can tolerate temperatures up to minus 15 or minus 20 degrees for the majority of species and -10 ° C for viburnum tinus.

Viburnums are very decorative because of their delicate blossoms, foliage and colorful berries that take on beautiful hues in autumn. It is true that Viburnum are very popular because of their many assets! During the winter or spring season, they can decorate clumps thanks to their generous pink and white flowers. After flowering, you will see red, blue or black berries bringing a new attraction to the garden and attracting many birds. In autumn, sumptuous orange or red colors cover the deciduous species. For example, Viburnum opulus (Viburnum plicatum or viburnum lantana) are trimmed. For persistent species such as Viburnum tinus (or Laurier tin), Viburnum rhytidophyllum or Viburnum davidii, they keep their foliage and remain decorative during all winter.

The cultivation of Viburnum

Viburnum is very easy to grow and requires little maintenance. The majority of these varieties are relatively hardy and will be able to enjoy half shade and sun. Developing in rich, well-drained and cool soils, viburnum can be adapted to any type of soil. The plant, however, prefers acidic soils. Viburnuopulus, Viburnum davidii, and Viburnum tinus are particularly resistant to pollution, which is why viburnum can be planted in urban and polluted areas.

Size and maintenance of Viburnum 

When planting, it is important to fold viburnum to facilitate new ramifications. Also, the shrub can not be totally bald at the foot. Next year, you will have to renew the operation if needed. You will be able to carry out a maintenance size, you must know that viburnum is very small. This plant is very easy to maintain. At first, you will be able to remove all the oldest rods to facilitate the renewal of the latter. And, in a second time, it will remove all the faded flowers, especially after flowering.  Regarding the species with winter bloom, you will have to intervene in March.

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