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12 Ways To Reduce Indoor Pollution And Get Clean Air In The Home

As we step into 2019, Indoor pollution has become a real problem. Consider the amount of time you spend in a closed environment. Most of your day is spent indoors. Indoor pollution is a slow poison. The air inside your home is fundamentally same what is found outside, but the amount and type of contaminants are different. In this piece, we are discussing some ways to significantly reduce air pollution inside your home so you and your family can breathe better. The best part? We focus on natural methods that don’t require you to take on any kind of trouble. Read on.

Let us first define indoor pollution. Scientifically, it is the presence of physical, chemical, biological contaminants in the air of confined environments such as rooms, buildings, institution, or a commercial facility, which are not naturally present in high quantities in external environments.

Indoor pollution is a very real and dangerous thing because indoor air is far more concentrated with pollutants than outdoor air. An estimated 2.2 million deaths happen each year due to indoor pollution (compared to just 500,000 deaths from outdoor air pollution).

Indoor pollution can also pose immediate health effects like headaches, dizziness, fatigue, asthma, hypersensitivity to substances, irritation to the eyes, ears, nose, and throat. In the long term, people may develop cancer, respiratory diseases, or even heart diseases. Different people react differently to the same conditions, but the most common effects of indoor pollution are respiratory, dermal and mucosal irritation, effects on nervous system, cardiovascular, effects on the gastrointestinal system, and even effects on the reproductive system.

Energy efficient home improvements sometimes lead to airtight houses, reduced ventilation, use of synthetic materials for building and furnishing, chemicals, pesticides, and household care products which are the prime causes of health issues. Indoor air pollution can even be subtle and may not always show easily recognizable impacts on you. But it might be harming you in other ways.

How do you get rid of pollutants currently inside your home? How do you make sure it stays clean even after days and weeks of a cleanup? Here are some actionable ways to immediately reduce the effects of Indoor pollution. You can implement one or more of them for best results.

1. Improve Your Ventilation

Adequate ventilation is the key to promote healthy indoor. Opening window is the easiest thing to do. Make sure that your stove is properly ventilated to limit the generation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons produced due to incomplete combustion. These gases may pose serious health effects in long run.

2. Grow Indoor plants

This is probably the best way to cut down on indoor pollutants. According to NASA, household plants are the best option to purify the air within our houses and workplaces. NASA says that plants safeguard you from any side effects associated with prevailing toxicants like ammonia, formaldehyde, and benzene. They have also created artificial soil media and full-spectrum lighting that allow you to grow smart portable hydroponic systems indoors with literally zero effort. The best indoor plants include Peace Lily, Lady Palm, and Broadleaf Lady Palm. You can even go for edible herbs, fruits, and vegetables. If you are all about green spaces in your rooms, we talk about how to grow plants with zero maintenance hassle at the end of this article.

3. Burn Beeswax Candles

Use them in case of persistent issues. Beeswax acts as a natural purifier. These candles ionize the air and neutralize the toxic compounds and other contaminants. They also burn slowly and remove dust from the air.

4. Salt Lamps

Salt lamps also act as natural air purifiers and are useful if you have persistent irritation indoors. Salt crystals tend to adsorb airborne irritants, pathogens, and allergens by pulling water vapor out of the air. Himalayan pink salt is a natural air purifier that pulls toxins from the environment and neutralizes it.

5. Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is used in many beauty products. It is also a natural air purifier. It is made of finely powdered carbon and very quickly absorbs a lot of toxins and holds them within its molecular structure. This black substance is odorless, highly absorptive and eliminates toxins from the air. Another product that can be used as its substitute is bamboo charcoal.

6. Install Exhausts

Humid air in your bathroom and kitchen increases exposure to mold and mildew. Molds produce tiny spores that can enter your body and cause cold, fungal infections, persistent coughs. Proper exhaust hoods should be installed over the exhaust fans in kitchen and bathrooms.

7. Ban Indoor Smoking

Smoking inside the house leads to an accumulation of toxic gases inside which seriously affects the indoor air quality. Smoking is also associated with numerous cancerous diseases. Second-hand smoke impairs respiratory health and causes lung cancer in non-smokers as well.

8. Remove The Source – Never Mask Odors

People usually try to suppress indoor odors by masking them with artificial fragrances and air fresheners. It worsens the problem because these things contain phthalates and other harmful chemicals which can affect your health seriously. Avoid use of air fresheners, scented candles, incense and the other odor-masking fragrances which can trigger asthma. Instead, find out the source of odor and get rid of it.

9. Manage Insects

Keep your food in the fridge and seal all the cracks to avoid pests and insects. This will reduce the use of pesticides and other harmful critter elimination methods. It helps to reduce the toxicants inside the house.

10. Regular Cleaning And Dusting

Dust carries bacteria, mold spores, and even pet dander. Use microfiber cloth instead of a cotton rag. It is recommended for cleaning your indoors. If you have pets, brooms can just stir up more dust. So do it regularly and do not let anything accumulate.

11. Remove The Carpets

Carpets absorb lots of dust, mold spores, mildew, and pollens. Instead of using carpets use hard-surface flooring. This makes sure there is nothing that absorbs and stores dust and other pollutants in your home. Carpets are usually a storehouse of contaminants. Instead, use doormats and remove your shoes at the door.

12. Get An Indoor Air Purifier

If all else fails, or in really bad situations, use an indoor air purifier from a good brand. Make sure you compare all your options before getting one. This is only required if all else fails or if you are living in an especially polluted part of the town, as Indoor Air Purifiers can quickly become very pricey and might be an overkill for moderate situations. These devices actively suck in polluted indoor air and give out purified air. A common side effect is increased dependence on the air-purifier and breathing issues in the absence of any purifying equipment.

Bonus –

Green Spaces With Zero Effort – Reduce Indoor Pollutants Naturally

Growing green plants indoors is one of the best methods to keep your surroundings both green and clean. Humans have evolved around plants and we need greenery for functioning properly. But it cannot always be possible to take care of plants for a lot of people. Keeping indoor plants involves regular watering, caring, taking them out into the sunlight, and so on – which gets tiring, especially for busy people.

Herboponics produces fully automated hydroponic gardens that you can keep on your desktop, or kitchen top, or even in your living room. Our smart portable gardens help you reduce indoor pollution effectively. The smart gardens work on the principle of Hydroponics – a method of growing plants without soil, by using mineral nutrient solution in a water solvent. This ancient method, coupled with modern full-spectrum LED lights and sensors helps us to create portable green spots in your home that both soothe you and keep you safe from the effect of indoor pollutants. Your smart garden quickly is guaranteed to become the favorite thing in your home by helping you grow greens with zero effort.

Indoor pollution is not something you should ever ignore. It is a silent killer that is haunting major urban areas, globally. It is always a good idea to get serious about it and take action. We hope you got some actionable tips that you can use to cut down pollution inside your home. Drop your comments if you have any more ideas to share!

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