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How To Graft A Fruit Tree?

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Many cultivators enjoy grafting a fruit tree. Grafting is the art of connecting or fusing twig branches from two separate but compatible fruit trees. When it’s done successfully, a crossbreed between plants occurs, and this results in beautiful, healthy flowers. A variety of fruit trees can be grafted. Citrus-type fruit trees are commonly grafted because they’re often compatible with other types of citrus trees.

Step 1

Cut two twigs from compatible fruit trees. Cut both twigs at 45-degree angles. Cutting twigs during November and December works best because the twigs are dormant and buds have not begun to sprout.

Step 2

Secure the two twigs together. Adjoin the two twigs at the cut to allow the plant cells to fuse together. Use commercial grafting tape to fuse the twigs together. Rubber electrical tape or duct tape may also be used if grafting tape is not available. Firmly attach a rubber band around the grafting area.

Step 3

Allow the twigs to fuse together over 2 to 3 weeks. If you’re not planting immediately, place the twigs in the refrigerator. Dipping the twigs in wax seals closes the ends and prevents drying. Place the unused twigs in a plastic bag. Apply a few drops of water into the bag.

Step 4

Eliminate fast-growing bud tips. If some buds appear to grow at a faster rate, remove these from the twig. Do not cut the twig branch. Wear gloves or protective tape over your fingers to prevent accidental cuts.

Step 5

Remove the grafting tape before the site area starts to expand. When the twigs begin to fuse and flourish, remove the grafting tape. Examine the tape and look for signs of tightening and girdling. Girdling can choke and damage the twig.

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