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While you’re deciding whether or not to purchase a hydroponic unit. It is a great idea to do some studying on the subject of nutrition. Whether you decide hydroponics, aquaponics or aeroponics. The soil has several nutrients in it. But whenever you’re trying to grow hydroponically, you are taking over from nature, as well as in many cases it’s potential […]
January 3, 2019
This post deals with starting up your system, regardless of whether bought or built, with seeds, transplants, and cuttings. Whenever selecting vegetables to grow, you’ll wish to start with individuals who taste great taste and fresh from your supermarket: tomatoes, lettuce, green peppers, wax beans, etc. Other vegetables, such as carrots, and turnips, don’t suffer […]
January 2, 2019
We know that the climate plays a vital role in plant growth indoors. Also for a home hydroponic hobbyist, it would be equally impractical and expensive to try to control climatic state altogether. This would require keeping a limited climatic rein on the entire house, or at least a sealed-off area. The three chief factors […]
January 1, 2019
Nowadays, we are unthinkingly endorsing the processed foods because of the ease of use, but we forgot those magical herbs which have served mankind for centuries. The herbs that please your senses, ease your digestion and give a unique flavor to foods. Chemists are replicating these tastes and aromas but without much success. You buy highly overpriced herbs at the […]
December 30, 2018
With the global population pushing 7.5 Billion people and land getting more and more scarce, we face a new question – “How do we continue to nourish the entire world?” In 2015, the El Nino caused a mass flood and led to massive hunger across Mongolia. They lost an estimated 80 percent of their crops because […]
December 30, 2018
Top 5 Microgreens Microgreens are packed with nutrients and they’re super easy to grow. Not many people actually gro microgreens in their house. They’re very easy to grow and they’re delicious in salads. The seeds that I like to use are by sprout house.  These are 100% organic seeds and they have a very high […]
December 28, 2018
Hydroponic production is soilless plant production. Aquaponics is a form of hydroponics. All aquaponics is hydroponics but not all hydroponics is aquaponics if that makes sense. Because hydroponics is using a formulated nutrient solution. Instead of using fish waste, we’re actually using fertilizer. We’re mixing fertilizer into our water at certain levels to keep our […]